
Helping You Transform People and Place

Connecting Neighbors, Creating Community & Transforming Neighborhoods

Transforming People and Place

In Lockland, Ohio

Visit the Metanoia Center

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Featured to the right is “Multiplying Light and Truth” and “Transforming People and Place”.  You can purchase either, or both titles, and download them immediately as Adobe Acrobat PDFs! Click a title image for more details.

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How Does Urban CHE Work!!!

Connecting Neighbors

People do not know their neighbors for many reasons. If they do not know their neighbors they are not willing to work together to do things.  It is critical to equip people to meet their neighbors and develop relationships with each other. This is done by: walking in their neighborhood and talking with people they meet, and, doing a barbecue in their front yard instead of in the back yard, and, inviting people over for a meal with a map for people to place pins in of where they have lived and talk about it.

Create Community

If we are to create community, people must learn about each other’s assets, skills, knowledge and passions. The focus is on the strengths and assets already found in the neighborhood, and to a much less extent with, what is not there or the problems in the neighborhood. The appeal lies in the premise that neighborhoods can and will drive the development process themselves by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often-unrecognized strengths, and thereby responding to and creating local economic opportunity. Based on this, people are drawn into small group teachings around things that they are interested in learning and doing.

Transform Neighborhoods

Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation helps people in the neighborhood transform their lives and communities from the inside out.  Hope, health and enthusiasm towards neighborhood life happens as a result of people knowing, loving, caring and serving their neighbors, people taking responsibility and working to change their reality, a reduction in disease, crime, drug abuse, and alcohol addiction, people knowing Christ with healthy, growing churches, and improved employment and living conditions.

What is Neighborhood Transformation?

Neighborhood Transformation is a strategy that helps churches minister in a wholistic manner to people in urban poor neighborhoods. It empowers people to take responsibility for their own lives. It helps neighbors to help their neighbors and moves them from welfare and relief to empowerment. It focuses on assets found in the neighborhood, which fosters local ownership instead of being based on problems that they expect outsiders to fix for them.

How does NT work?

Neighborhood Transformation (NT) trains church lay-people how to enter a nearby poor neighborhood, develop relationships, and identify assets already found in individuals and groups in the neighborhood. Then, by working with the local people, this information is used to improve the living conditions and build bridges for the Gospel.  


Training starts with a 12-hour weekend, which includes Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday to introduce people to the concepts, strategy and approach of (NT). Then a team begins to implement some of the ideas in a neighborhood. As they begin ministry there are 50 Workshops that can be chosen from. The workshops are 4 – 8 hours each and can be used to train themselves or people in the neighborhood on topics they want to know, when it’s the right time for them to learn a specific topic.

Marina Gonzales

The big thing I like about the Neighborhood Transformation approach is that it helps with education.  We work together with other people in the community and together we help improve the community.

Rebecca Ifland

Neighborhood Transformation starts with people getting to know their neighbors and loving them, as Christ commands. Joining people who care about the community we talk about bringing others alongside to bring change where our neighborhood needs it.

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