
International Wholistic Missions Conference

IWMC Roundtables 2020
May 13-15, 2020
Shiloh Community Church
Phoenix, Az

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Urban CHE training events change often, and are held in a variety of locations throughout the year.  Please check back often to review training events that may be occurring in your area. If you need help, or have questions, please contact us.

Jesus made a startling statement in Matthew 25:34-40. He asserted that as we give food and drink to those in need, take in strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prisons, we are doing these things to Him. Most of us would find it easy to do these things for Christ, and even for our own family, but Jesus says we must even do them for the lowliest of people, including those we don’t know or may even despise. We are called to serve all men.