Do you know God’s purpose for your money? Come discover it with us through Faith & Finances – a financial education ministry for people who: Are just starting out learning how to manage money, Don’t have a lot of extra money to spare, Desire to overcome financial obstacles, Want to save more and pay off…
Author: cntAdmin
Social Studies
Social Studies program has a huge influence on the groundwork education that your child learns throughout the first years of the High School… Be sure that our professional teachers will provide the ultimate quality for each single class that we have for this program. Currently our High School’s Social Studies program includes such classes as:…
Wholistic Transformation
Christ’s Commission When Jesus walked this earth, He was concerned about the whole person. He obviously cared about the physical side of man as well as the spiritual, because He devoted much of His time to healing the sick. Following His example, as Christians we must also be concerned for the well-being of the whole…
More About Transforming a Neighborhood
I am writing a new book and each month I am sending out an email on one chapter which you can download for free. I did the first chapter in June on Getting to know your Neighbors. This month the chapter is on Transforming a Neighborhood in your city. Are you interested in transforming a…

Transforming a Neighborhood
I am writing a new book and each month I am sending out an email on one chapter which you can download for free. I did the first chapter in June on Getting to know your Neighbors. This month the chapter is on Transforming a Neighborhood in your city. Are you interested in transforming a neighborhood…
Knowing Your Neighbor
Think of your house or apartment as the center of a Tic-Tac-Toe diagram, with eight spaces around you being residences surrounding you. Can you name all of the people living in the 8 houses or apartments closest to you? If you answered the first question, can you think of something about their life that is…
Dramatic Change
I heard Brenda Salter McNeil convincingly speak at the Christian Community Health Fellowship Conference in May 2016. She also wrote a great book Road-map to Reconciliation 2015, IVP Books Downers Grove, IL which I bought. Her whole approach is on Reconciliation primarily between races but also where you have opposing ideas and practice between two groups. I…
What is Transformation
TRANSFORMATION DEFINITIONS A definition given by Bryant Myers of World Vision International in his book Walking With the Poor: “I use the term transformational development to reflect my concern for seeking positive change in the whole of human life materially, socially and spiritually . Changed people and just and peaceful relationships are the twin goals…
Most People Don't Know Their Neighbor Do You?
Can you name all of the people living in the 8 houses or apartments closest to you? If you answered the first question, can you think of something about their life which is not visible from the outside of their house? If you were able to answer the first two questions, do you know other…
Are You Interested in Discipleship
If so discipleship is central to what happens in Neighborhood Transformation. A disciple is a learner with the intent to learn from the master and then pass on what he has learned onto others as he puts it into practice in his own life. It focuses on making obedient disciples. It is not just focused…