Why Cities

In 1900 less then 5% of the worlds population lived in cities. By 2010 50% of the world’s population live in cities. By 2010 by there were 25 cities with each having more then 10 million population. By 2050 25 cities will have grown to over 16 million each. By 2030 we will have moved from…

From Rural CHE to Urban Neighborhood Transformation

As you hopefully already know, CHE or Neighborhood Transformation (NT) is a multi-faceted, community/neighborhood-based, development strategy that deals with the whole person which builds on the people and their community’s assets. CHE/NT trains people how to use those assets to solve their own problem. It is about neighbor helping neighbor. It releases individuals and communities…


What is Poverty, Who are Rich and Who are Poor Justin Long in his blog recently shared “Words are things that we use: sometimes carefully, sometimes carelessly. I have been scanning a lot of articles lately and thinking about resilient communities. Rich or poor are difficult terms: they can be relevant or absolutes.” When we…